Wednesday, February 11, 2015


On 8th January 2015, year 1 UniSZA students (6th batch) had their first mock exam in preparation of the upcoming End Of Semester 1 (EOS1). At 9.00 pm everyone gathered at MKK D's cafe before the mock exam started. At 9.15pm objective structured preclinical exam (OSPE) exam started, the exam was held at 2 places; common room and surau Al-Amin. There were 10 stations, the topics covered were from Module 1 to Module 5. A group consisted of 3 people and they need to work together and come up with a solution within 10 minutes at each stations. There was 1 rest station in between. The OSPE mock exam lasted for two hours. At 11.00pm, the students had their supper and dismissed.

On 9th January 2015, the mock exam continued. Second session of mock exam focused on multiple true false questions (MTF/MCQ). Each group had to answer 30 questions within 1 hour 30 minutes. At 10.30pm, everyone is asked to go to the cafe to get their supper and wait for the announcement of 5 best groups. The marks of both ospe and mtf were summed up in order to get the top 5 marks. After the 5 groups have been chosen, finals started at 11.00pm. Throughout the finals, there was a livefeed that can be accessed through a livecam website. After a tough competition, marks were calculated and hampers were given to the first 3 groups, consolation prizes were given to the other 2 groups. The exam finished at 11.45pm.

The objective of doing this programme is to give an early exposure to the juniors about how is it going to be like for their End Of Semester exam. In addition, it's also done to improvise and strengthen their knowledge, thus they will know how to measure where they stand in their exam preparation.


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