Thursday, December 22, 2011



akan menganjurkan


24 DISEMBER 2011 

(Bersebelahan Mydin Mall Kuala Terengganu)


Monday, December 5, 2011


Dengan nama Allah..Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang...

Firman Allah yang bermaksud: "Allah Maha Berkuasa atas segala sesuatu, Dialah yang mentakdirkan adanya kematian dan kehidupan untuk menguji dan menzahirkan keadaan kamu; siapakah di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalannya." - (Surah al-Mulk, ayat 1-2) .

Menyingkap maksud firman Allah itu, manusia sentiasa akan diuji dengan kebaikan dan kesulitan. Segala perkara atau peristiwa berlaku dengan izin dan kehendak Allah.
Bagi Allah segala-galanya adalah kebaikan untuk hamba-Nya. Penerimaan manusia boleh jadi berbeza sama ada perkara itu baik atau buruk kecuali orang mukmin yang memiliki keimanan sebenar.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
"Allah sungguh kagum kepada orang mukmin, apabila menerima nikmat ia bersyukur dan apabila ditimpa musibah ia bersabar." - (Maksud al-Hadis)

Setiap detik kehidupan kita perlu meyakini bahawa kita berada dalam ujian Allah sehingga roh bercerai daripada badan.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud:
"Apakah manusia mengira bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan saja mengatakan kami sudah beriman sedangkan mereka tidak diuji terlebih dulu. Dan sesungguhnya kami sudah menguji orang sebelum kamu maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui orang yang benar dan orang yang dusta." (Surah al-Ankabut, ayat 2-3)

Manusia diberi kemampuan mengamati atau menilai sesuatu perkara dan peristiwa secara zahir melalui deria penglihatan. Manusia juga dapat mengguna akal untuk mentafsir perkara atau peristiwa yang dilihat.
Manusia yang lebih tinggi martabatnya ialah apabila dapat melihat melalui mata hati. Ini adalah penglihatan atau gambaran cahaya iman. Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: "Maka ambillah pelajaran wahai orang yang memiliki mata hati." (Surah al-Haysr, ayat 2)

Sering kali kita terdengar rungutan apabila hari hujan kerana hujan yang turun menyusahkan untuk ke pejabat atau ke mana saja sedangkan bagi tukang kebun atau petani, hujan adalah rahmat Allah yang akan menyuburkan pokok serta tanaman mereka. Begitulah kepelbagaian ragam dan persepsi dalam kehidupan.
Segala penentuan Allah diterima dengan persepsi berbeza antara satu sama lain. Perbezaan sudut pandang ini bergantung kepada beberapa perkara seperti ilmu, keimanan, amalan dan ketakwaan seseorang. Orang beriman sentiasa reda dan menerima segala ketentuan dengan hati tenang kerana mereka berfikir secara positif, mencari hikmah di sebalik setiap peristiwa.
Setiap insan sentiasa mengharapkan kedamaian dan ketenangan hidup, bahkan manusia menginginkan kesenangan itu berpanjangan. Realiti kehidupan tidak selalu begitu kerana langit tidak selalunya cerah.
Panduan berikut boleh dijadikan pedoman untuk mendidik diri menerima sesuatu peristiwa baik atau buruk dengan penuh keredaan. Dengannya kita akan berasa tenang dalam menerima sesuatu dengan rela hati :

Bersyukur kepada Allah dan Membilang Nikmat-Nya
Kita beriman bahawa Allah tetap memberi nikmat di dunia kepada semua hamba-Nya. Apabila kita mendapat nikmat-Nya kita bersyukur dan mengiktiraf nikmat itu supaya tidak lupa jasa Allah.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud: "Allah sudah menyempurnakan nikmat-Nya kepada kalian baik yang zahir mahupun yang batin." - (Surah Luqman, ayat 20)

Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: "Dan jika kalian menghitung nikmat Allah nescaya kalian tidak akan dapat menghitungnya." - (Surah Ibrahim, ayat 34)

Nabi Sulaiman yang dikurniakan kerajaan dan kekayaan berkata: "Ini termasuk dalam kurnia Tuhanmu untuk menguji aku adakah aku bersyukur atau kufur nikmat." - (Surah an-Namlu, ayat 20) .
Syukur bukan setakat mengucapkannya tetapi kita perlu zahirkan kelakuan orang yang bersyukur dalam bentuk perbuatan. Contohnya, apabila seseorang itu mendapat keuntungan daripada perniagaan diusahakannya, dia akan dibelanjakan ke jalan halal dengan ikhlas.

Musibah Menghapuskan Dosa
Kita menerima musibah dengan positif untuk menyedarkan kita supaya menilai kembali tingkah laku. Sebagai manusia, kita tidak sunyi daripada melakukan dosa. Musibah dapat melenyapkan dosa yang dilakukan. Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
"Tidaklah seseorang mukmin itu ditimpa kecemasan, kegelisahan, rasa sakit dan keletihan hingga tertusuk duri melainkan dengan semua itu Allah akan menghapuskan dosanya." - (Maksud al-Hadis)

Bersabar Tanda Kemenangan
Allah mendidik kita supaya menerima sesuatu dengan reda dan sabar kerana Allah bersama dengan orang yang sabar. Orang yang bersabar akan mendapat kemenangan di dunia dan syurga di akhirat. Firman Allah yang bermaksud:
"Dan supaya kamu jangan terlalu berduka cita terhadap apa yang hilang daripada kamu dan janganlah kamu terlalu gembira apabila mendapat sesuatu nikmat." - (Surah al-Hadid, ayat 23)

Berdoa dan Memohon Pertolongan Hanya Kepada Allah
Doa adalah senjata orang mukmin. Berdoalah dengan bersungguh-sungguh, yakin dan kenalilah Allah ketika senang nescaya Allah akan mengenali kita ketika susah. Berdoa dengan khusyuk dan jadikan berdoa para nabi sebagai panduan. Bayangkan bagaimana pasrah dan khusyuk nabi berdoa dalam keadaan genting.
Kita juga tahu Allah memakbulkan doa mereka. Nabi Ibrahim berdoa memohon pertolongan Allah ketika dibakar dalam unggun api yang marak menyala, Nabi Muhammad ketika perang Badar dan Nabi Musa yang cemas ketika di kepung Firaun di Laut Merah dan saat kegelapan Nabi Yunus dalam perut ikan.

Membaca al-Quran
Al-Quran adalah kitab rujukan utama kepada setiap mukmin yang cemerlang. Kitab ini perlu dibaca dan difahami maksudnya setiap hari dengan tujuan melembutkan hati serta mendidik jiwa supaya istiqamah dalam amalan yang baik.
Allah sentiasa mengingatkan supaya mengambil pendekatan sederhana kerana keluh kesah akan menambah lagi musibah. Apabila menerima sesuatu musibah, kita zahirkan rasa syukur dengan membandingkan musibah lebih besar atau membandingkan musibah dihadapi orang lain.
Mengambil pelajaran dan melihat sesuatu hikmah dalam setiap perkara akan melahirkan insan yang celik perasaan serta mampu mengharungi hidup yang penuh pancaroba.

Iftar Jamaie' 10 Muharram 1433 H

Bersempena menyambut Hari 'Asyura
Biro Kerohanian & Pembangunan Modal Insan PERMATA UniSZA
akan menganjurkan
Iftar Jamaie'
pada hari Selasa iaitu 6 Disember 2011 bersamaan 10 Muharram 1434 H
semua ahli PERMATA UniSZA digalakkan agar berpuasa pada hari terseebut
program ini akan melibatkan semua ahli PERMATA UniSZA termasuk non-muslim.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Year 2 now has entered a new module, which is Reproductive System Module.So I would like to highlight something which is also new to the human reproductive system through findings and research from scientists all over the world.

New Human Reproductive Hormone Could Lead to Novel Contraceptives

ScienceDaily (Dec. 22, 2009) — Nearly 10 years after the discovery that birds make a hormone that suppresses reproduction, University of California, Berkeley, neuroscientists have established that humans make it too, opening the door to development of a new class of contraceptive and possible treatments for cancer or other diseases.

The hormone, gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH), has the opposite effect from gonadotropin releasing hormone, a key reproductive hormone. While GnRH triggers a cascade of hormones that prime the body for sex and procreation, GnIH puts a brake on the cascade.
"Identifying the inhibitory hormone in humans forces us to revise our understanding of the control mechanism of human reproduction," said first author Takayoshi Ubuka, a post-doctoral fellow in the UC Berkeley Department of Integrative Biology and in the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute. "We hope this will stimulate clinical studies on people with precocious puberty or in the area of contraception."
Because reproductive hormones often promote the growth of cancer cells, GnIH might also work as an anti-cancer agent.
"Frequently, treatment of hormone-responsive cancers involves GnRH antagonists or very, very high doses of GnRH, which cause side effects," said George Bentley, UC Berkeley assistant professor of integrative biology. "Maybe we can use something that inhibits reproduction at physiological levels, so that we can bypass some of these side effects."
Ubuka, Bentley and their colleagues at UC Berkeley and in Japan and the United Kingdom report their findings in the Dec. 22 online issue of the public access journal PLoS ONE.
GnIH was discovered in 2000 in quail and has been studied in other birds, in mice and in sheep, but its role in humans has been hard to pin down. While the human genome contains the gene for GnIH, it was unclear if, when and where the protein hormone is produced, and whether it affects reproduction.
The UC Berkeley researchers extracted two versions of the hormone from human brains (five human hypothalami). They found that the human GnIH gene produces a precursor protein that is cut up to form 12 and 8 amino acid mature peptides.
"One of the peptides in sheep has the same amino acid sequence as the human peptide, so we can study its activity in sheep to learn about its activity in humans," Bentley said. "It's likely that the function of GnIH is evolutionarily conserved."
They also showed that the hormones are present in a region of the brain, the hypothalamus, that controls reproduction. In addition, GnIH affects nerve cells that secrete GnRH, which is in line with previous findings that GnIH down-regulates GnRH.
Finally, they found that the hypothalamus and pituitary -- two key parts of the reproductive axis in the brain have receptors for the hormones.
All the previous work on birds, rodents, sheep and even macaque monkeys -- much of it performed by Bentley's group and by a group led by the discoverer of GnIH, Kazuyoshi Tsutsui at Waseda University in Tokyo hint at a wealth of interactions between GnIH and the reproductive system. Only recently, the human hormone was shown to inhibit the release of gonadotropin in sheep.
"GnIH pushes the pause button on reproduction, but in a variety of ways," Bentley said. "It can act on GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus, inhibiting GnRH release; it can act directly on pituitary; or it can influence the gonads directly. The overall effect is to inhibit reproduction, but at different levels of the reproductive axis."
GnIH might even be a key regulator of puberty, Ubuka said.
Bentley and Ubuka continue to investigate how GnIH acts in humans as well as in starlings and zebra finches.
Other coauthors of the PLoS One paper are Kevin Morgan, Adam J. Pawson and Robert P. Millar of the Centre for Reproductive Biology at The Queen's Medical Research Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland; Kazuyoshi Tsutsui, Tomohiro Osugi and Vishwajit S. Chowdhury of Waseda University; and Hiroyuki Minakata of the Suntory Institute for Bioorganic Research in Osaka, Japan.
The work was funded by the Hellmann Family Foundation, the National Science Foundation and a UC Berkeley COR Junior Faculty Research Grant.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Salam Maal Hijrah

SESI 2011/2012



"Dan sesiapa yang berhijrah pada jalan Allah (untuk membela dan menegakkan Islam), nescaya ia akan dapati dimuka bumi ini tempat berhijrah yang banyak dan rezeki yang makmur dan sesiapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dengan tujuan berhijrah kepada Allah dan RasulNya, kemudian ia mati (dalam perjalanan), maka sesungguhnya telah tetap pahala hijrahnya di sisi Allah. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani."
(Surah An-Nisa:100)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

EOP Assessment MBBS Year 3

 MBBS YEAR 3 (2011/2012)
24th & 25th OCTOBER 2011

~Unity for the Sake of Humanity~

Saturday, October 22, 2011

EOM Assessment MBBS Year 1



MBBS YEAR 1  (2011/2012) 

25th OCTOBER 2011

~Unity for the Sake of Humanity~

Monday, October 17, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Minggu Mesra Medik 2011/2012

Recently on 15-17th of September 2011,Minggu Mesra Medik was held by Persatuan Mahasiswa/i Perubatan UniSZA (PERMATA) in order to welcome the juniors,the 3rd batch of MBBS, UniSZA.The aim of this programme was to tighten the relationship between the seniors and the juniors of the 3rd batch,so that the juniors would get to know all the seniors and vice- versa.

This orientation programme for the MBBS juniors, was organised by PERMATA UniSZA and the committee members for the Minggu Mesra Medik were as follows:


Dato' Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zubaidi B. Abdul Latif
Dekan Fakulti Perubatan Dan Sains Kesihatan UniSZA

Dr. Salwani Ismail
Pensyarah Perubatan Fakulti Perubatan Dan Sains Kesihatan UniSZA

Cik Holifa Saheera Asmara
Pensyarah Perubatan Fakulti Perubatan Dan Sains Kesihatan UniSZA

Muhammad Nurul Irsyad Mohd Yunus

Siti Nur Izzati Bt Mohd Bakhir

Tuan Nashrul Hadi B Tuan Mahadi

Munira Bt Muhd Isa

Tengku Ahmad Mujiburrahman B. Tengku Hasim
Aisyah Bt Abas

Muhammad Naqib B. Bajuri
Nur Afifah Syahirah Bt Rosli

Mohd Nur Syamim B. Che Johan
Syamimi Nadiah Bt Ab. Wahab
Nurul Wahidah Bt Othman

Feraroziana Bt Birkamsin
Mohd Shahril Iman B. Mohd Hanafi
Siti Nor Saharah Bt Abdulllah

Ahmad Aiman B. Ab Ghani
Arifah Bt Ismail

Wan Sarimi B Wan Husain
Rubini a/p Cumarasamy

Muhd Haikal Azahar @ Csi Photography

There were a lot of activities which were successfully held and organised by PERMATA UniSZA. The tentative for Minggu Mesra Medik was stated as follows:

Khamis,15 September 2011

07.00 - 09.00 mlm : Solat Maghrib,kuliah Maghrib,solat Isyak
09.00 - 09.45 mlm : Pengenalan program dan fasilitator
09.45 - 11.00 mlm : Ice breaking dan pengagihan rumah
11.00 - 12.00mlm  : Perjumpaan rumah sukan
     12.00 mlm        : Minum malam

         The 'kuliah maghrib was given by Prof Rochman Naim.Officially,the activities started at 9.00 pm with the introduction of the programme and facilitators by Muhammad Nurul Irsyad b Mohd Yunus. The first night of the programme continued with the giving ceremony of 'barang amanah' to the juniors which was the balloon and they have to fill it with water to a certain extent that was approved by the facilitators.(errr...bebudak 2nd batch masa orientasi dapat barang pa ek???lupa plak...hehehe). And the best part was the facilitators (ehem...we...) could have the pleasure to take their balloons and throw it away (as a denda) for those who neglected their 'barang amanah'.The juniors also could get a clearer picture of the life of medical students in UniSZA through the video prepared by the Multimedia Exco.After that,ice-breaking session began,with activities that would make them know each other better.The night ended after dividing them into their respective house (Merah,Oren,Biru and Hijau) and let them to get to know better their seniors from their own house.
thanx prof..semoga apa yg diperkatakan oleh prof dapat dijadikan sbg nasihat yang berguna
balloons with water inside
'PERMATA MENJERIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' (bdk2 nie memg suka menulis betoi...mcm2 depa tulis...haizzz)
more ballons detected!!!(xlama lg kena pcah dek fasi ler 2...)
                                                         belon dah terpecah sudah.....

                                   the theme songs for the programme...Jalinan and We Are The World

          facilitators and seniors also took part in the opening ceremony of Minggu Mesra Medik
                                                                  nyanyi jgn xnyanyi

                                       video showing the real life of medical students in UNISZA

                                                                 ice-breaking session

ex-asasi UM....semangat toi nyanyi lagu ex-U dorang...jangan lupa hafal lagu UniSZA plak..

Jumaat,16 September 2011

05.30 - 06.30 pg   : Solat Subuh dan kuliah Subuh                                                                               
06.30 - 07.00 pg   : Sarapan Pagi
07.00 - 09.00 pg   : Ekspedisi Bukit Besar
09.45 - 10.00 pg   : Solat Sunat Dhuha
10.00 - 12.00 tgh  : LDK 1
12.00 - 12.45 tgh  : Makan tengahari
12.45 - 03.00 ptg  : Solat Jumaat
03.00 - 05.30 ptg  : LDK2
      05.30 ptg        : Solat Asar
07.00 - 09.30 mlm: Solat Maghrib, kuliah Maghrib dan solat Isyak
09.30 - 10.45 mlm: Malam PERMATA UniSZA
10.45 - 12.00 mlm: Malam Tautan Ukhwah
      12.00 mlm      : Minum malam   

              The 2nd day of Program Mesra Medik persisted with the excitement of 'climbing' the Bukit Besar early in the morning.(its a jogging pathway actually,but i dont know how to describe it,its more like climbing for me,i panted and breathless all da way...hehehe).After having our breakfast, the juniors and all the facilitators headed to the bus that bring us to Bukit Besar,It was only 10 minutes journey from MAIDAM.

                                                                    warming up...

                                                  Dr.Salman also joined us in this activity... 

                                            Bukit Besar is quite steep...ramai nk pancit dah tu...

                                            View from the top of Bukit Besar....Subhanallah... 

                                                    Pose from the 3rd batch MBBS UniSZA..

                                                Juniors with the facilitators and Dr Salman
                            Going down Bukit Besar...nampak je sng,kena hati2 kang tersembam ke dpan.. 

                                   Muka gembira fasi2 setelah 'membuli' adik2 mendaki Bukit Besar...
                                                     (ntah2 1st time jgak nek BB 2...hehehe)
After the activity at Bukit Besar,we proceeded with the indoor activities of LDK1 and 2.Among the games that were conducted by the Activity Exco were Zass-Tang (i don't know the real spelling,but i think i got the pronounciation right...hehehe),'Irsyad Kata',Survival Game,Telefon Rosak,Bom Negara,Tulisan Benang and Ops 7.The games were successfully carried out and the facilitators got full cooperation from all the juniors.Seriously,you all were very sporting lah!!!

                                                                    'Irsyad Kata' 

                                           Teks for them to'Telefon Rosak'

                                     Game 'Tulisan Benang'...(apa yg penting?KERJASAMA!!!)

                        Hasil kerja tangan bebudak ni dlm game 'Tulisan Benang'..the winner was very obvious...hmmmm
                                           People,this is what we called 'Zass-tangg' yer....

                                                                 'Telefon Rosak'...

             'Bom Negara'...MAIDAM nearly collapsed with their shouts!!! (Ok2,i'm exaggerating...)

   At 9.30,the first agenda of the program was Malam PERMATA which brought an objective to introduce the front line of PERMATA and its excos to all the juniors beside giving them the more vivid view of what this organization does for the members of PERMATA that include all the MBBS students of UniSZA.


                                         'Tgok la pe yg korang tulis'...ingat lagi ayat ni...hehehe

                                               muka2 sayu bila di'sound' dek kakak2 n abg2

                                                        muka2 yg x bersalah.....

After that,all of sudden,everything came as a shock....(for the juniors only,fasi relax jer...hehehe).They were being 'punched' and 'kicked' by words and words of 'advice' (advice ke??the facilitators looked very stern) from the facilitators,arguing about their assignment (kena ingat details pasal kawan2 sekelas),and anything that the facilitators were not satisfied with them.The issues of their writing in PERMATA MENJERIT!!! and also their ignorance to take care of their 'barang amanah' also rose as a 'modal' for the facilitators to create a drama and tense atmosphere within the room (n of course the juniors were the target which the tense was meant for...hehehe) until there were tears shed and argument broke.Fuhhh,it was really tragic and i personally saluted those who acted in front.
The clock chimed at 12.00 midnight (just imagine a grandfather's clock,i know normal clock does not chime,but it is only for the purpose to create suspense....hehehe)...then suddenly 2 boxes were carried in by the facilitators (and still the drama prolonged with a new story and only for the targeted persons...hehehe).


                          Laaaaa....rupa2nya dalam kotak tu kek untuk budak2 nie.....hehehehe

                                                      upacara memotong kek....

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

abg acap pn birthday bulan 9 jgk...

For those who born in September,hepi birthday @ hepi belated birthday @ hepi birthday in advance...hehehe.From the bottom of our heart (facilitators),we wanted to apologise for everything we said that night.Maybe some of the words we said may hurt you guys but those words were uttered for the sake of all the juniors and also as the remainder for ourselves too.So,peace no war!!! (0-0 ek...hehehe)

Sabtu,17 September 2011

04.45 - 07.00 pg  : Qiamullail,solat Subuh dan kuliah subuh
07.00 - 02.00 ptg : Kendiri/latihan persembahan,solat Zuhur
02.00 - 04.00 ptg : Majlis penutup
04.00 - 05.00 ptg : Rehat
05.00 - 07.00 ptg : Futsal pantai/istana pasir
07.00 - 9.30 mlm : Solat Maghrib,kuliah Maghrib (oleh Dr Salman b Amiruddin),solat isyak

After Subuh prayers,the juniors have their own time until 2.00 pm before the closing ceremony of the programme.At 2.00 o'clock,the ceremony started with the prayer recitation led by Mohd Naqib b Bajuri,followed by the speech given from the junior's representatives,Vice-Chairman,Siti Nur Izzati bt Mohd Bakhir and finally the closing speech from the Chairman of Minggu Mesra Medik programme,Muhammad Nurul Irsyad b Mohd Yunus.Following that,the juniors put up some splendid performance of acting in a drama,basically the scenes and the story were based on the Minggu Mesra Medik.How interesting (and funny also) to find that some of them could imitate the scenes well and not forgotten for those who play the as the actors and actress,they were quite well in mimicking those facilitators and could put their experience and situation into such a witty way that i found myself cried with laughter...hahaha (thmbs-up for the juniors...hehehe).
The closing ceremony continued with the video presentation by the Multimedia Exco,which showed the memories within those 3 days 2 nights of the programme.The prize-giving ceremony came afterwards,which each house got a hamper.Two special awards for the most sporting juniors during Minggu Mesra Medik were also be given.

                                                            wakil dari rumah merah....

                                                             wakil dari rumah oren...

                                                              wakil dari rumah biru...

                                                            wakil dari rumah hijau...

                                                       Peserta lelaki yang paling sporting...
 After Asar prayer,we went to the Pantai Batu Buruk.For the boys,they played futsal and the girls,being traditional,played 'tuju kasut'.There was a havoc at the beach with the all the girls teams trying to flatten their rival with brutality.(i not exaggerating!!!!i was there at the scene!!!!).But it was a worthy opportunity to spend time with one another,it taught us hardship (in order to win,ingat senang ke men tuju kasut???susah ooooo...),it built new relationship (between juniors and seniors) and more or less, it tighten frienship..=)


Indahnya suasana...kita di hari ini,
erat sillaturrahim,saling hormat menghormati,
tuntutan agama yang mulai....

oh..mari bersama kita jalinkan,
kasih sayang sesama insan,
di hari ini kita mulakan,
moga kekal untuk selamanya....

indahnya jika kita dapat bersama,
hidup selalu gembira di dunia ini....

lagi indahnya jika kita dapat bersama,
hidup selalu gembira d akhirat sana....

Erat sillaturrahim,saling hormat menghormati...
tuntutan agama yang mulia,
yang tua dihormati,
yang muda disayangi,
cetuskan suasana harmoni....

(ulang chorus)

Kita jalinkan......
kasih sayang......

 Lastly,we like to thank the advisor of Persatuan Mahasiswa/i Perubatan UniSZA, Dr Salwani and Cik Holifa for their continuous support.High appreciation is dedicated to all the AJK's of Minggu Mesra Medik,the photographer,Mohd Haikal Azahar,all the seniors that participated in the event and not last but least to all the juniors,the third batch of MBBS UniSZA 2011/2012 session.


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